Mac Cremesheen Lipstick in Modesty a.k.a. Revlon Colourburst Lip Butter in 025 Peach Parfait a.k.a The Peachy Shimmer Nude Revlon Colour Burst Lip Butter in Peach Parfait Revlon Colour Burst Lip Butter in Peach ParfaitĢ.
And because I want to help (because I’m just nice like that…) all of those out there who are also on the search for their perfect nude lipstick, I’ve rounded up all the nudes in my collection and shared them with you below (that’s not to say that these shades won’t suit other non-Asian, skin tones because most of them probably will, they just may not be classed as a nude). It was only when I realised this that I have been successful in my attempts to shop for my perfect nude lipstick.

A nude is different and should be different for everyone because as the name would suggest, it’s something that should look like it’s barely there, and if it’s barely there then it has to come in various shades to match the varying shades of universal lip colours.

I have found that a nude that has a warm undertone to it, like a pink or a brown base, is much more flattering than an outright beige or cream coloured nude. Also, to make things just that much more difficult, my lips are rather pigmented and very much pink (although they have a tendency to turn blue when I’m the slightest bit cold). The nudes that we typically see are more suited for caucasian models, but that type of nude does me no favours and totally washes me out, draining me of the natural warmth in my complexion. So how does one go about finding the perfect nude lipstick? Well, I’m about to tell you. I’d say that I am somewhere in the middle when I am tanned, I am more on the darker side of the spectrum (around an NC40 for those familiar with the Mac foundation spectrum) and when I’m pale I’m somewhere between light to medium (NC25-NC30). You only have to line up myself and my 3 sisters to see that we are varying degrees of Asian skin tone. Yes, I am aware that there isn’t one kind of south-east Asian skin tone either. I didn’t imagine how hard it would be to actually find the perfect nude to match my warm toned, yellow-based, Asian skin, and by Asian, I mean of south-east Asia (I’m of Vietnamese ethnicity). I remember not too long ago when nude lips were everywhere magazines, TV, celebrities, billboards… you get the gist, and me being such a sucker for celebrities and marketing, I, too, wanted to be with the ‘in’ crowd and rock a pale, nude lip.